Frohlich Rollins Schwab

Experienced, Empathetic, and Resolution-Focused Family Law, based in Edmonton, Alberta

Wendy Rollins, K.C., Arbitrator - Counsel

Wendy C Rollins graduated from the University of Alberta law school in 1985, after years of living, travelling and studying both abroad and within Canada. She articled with a large Alberta firm where she stayed as an associate and then a partner for over a decade, practicing insurance, general litigation and family law. She left there in order to focus her practice on family law. Gary Frohlich and Krista Frohlich joined her in 2003 and the firm was born. She was appointed Queen's Counsel (now King's Counsel or KC) in 2014.

Wendy's approach has always been to look beyond the surface to ascertain what is in the clients' best interests, what is important to them, and work towards achieving that goal in the most cooperative and non-adversarial manner possible. To that end, Wendy has completed a multitude of professional education courses / workshops including mediation training, interest based negotiations and collaborative law, substantive law workshops (including on parenting, and corporate issues) as well as trial advocacy and arbitration. She is and / or has been a member of a number of professional organizations. When litigation is the only remaining, or most appropriate process for the issue in dispute, Wendy ably represents her clients, having had comprehensive experience in all 3 levels of Court in Alberta.

Wendy has written and presented extensively at family law workshops and conferences, mainly through the Alberta Bar Association and Legal Education Society of Alberta. She taught Chambers Advocacy as part of the Bar Course (later CPLED) for years, as well as teaching family law to non-law students at the University of Alberta Wendy is a past member and chair of the Family Law Advisory Committee of the Law Society of Alberta, and was an active member of the Law Society's conduct committee for a number of years. Her passion for the law, insistence upon a high ethical standard for lawyers, and her ability to listen and to explain serves her clients well. Wendy retired from the partnership at the end of 2020. She has continued as Counsel representing a reduced number of clients, drafting settlement and other documents (including cohabitation and prenuptial agreements) for the firm's clients, collaborating on strategy and approaches, and providing mentorship to juniors within the firm. She has also continued as a mediator and arbitrator.

Outside of law, Wendy loves to work out, putter in the garden, and play with her Boston Terriers. She enjoys a good cup of coffee and sharing a meal with friends.


Karin Schwab - Partner

Karin F. Schwab’s approach to family law can best be summarized as focused on solutions. She has extensive legal experience, being admitted to the Alberta Bar in 1986 after graduating from the University of Alberta law school. Karin practiced for 14 years at a vibrant mid-sized firm and a further 14 years at a large international firm before joining FRS in 2014. Karin’s practice has been concentrated on family law for over 25 years, but she has been fortunate to incorporate her previous exposure to other areas of the law, such as insolvency, corporate, tax, and civil litigation, into her family law practice. This broad background has given her valuable tools to untangle business holdings, recognize tax concerns, creatively address debts, and strategically litigate for her family law clients.

With extensive litigation experience before all three levels of the Courts in Alberta, Karin is a trained arbitrator, and regularly engages in collaborative methods of dispute resolution in an effort to find the right solution for her clients. Her drafting of prenuptial and cohabitation agreements, as thorough and readable settlement agreements, and submissions to the Courts have successfully shielded her clients from both protracted litigation, and the stress and anxiety of unravelling their lives. Throughout her career, Karin has contributed to various legal education presentations and papers. She is a committed mentor to young lawyers, both on substantive law issues and regarding professional conduct and ethics.

During her career, Karin has always found ways to give back to the community and charities. Her involvement on boards and committees includes not-for-profit daycares, German-English bilingual education, access to family health, community leagues, and parish councils. Her passion for the past 10 years has been NAFASI opportunity, a registered charity she helped found which supports young women in Africa with vocational training.

When not travelling, hiking or skiing in her leisure time, Karin enjoys cooking, gardening and soapstone carving.


Krista Frohlich, K.C. - Partner

Krista Frohlich graduated from the University of Alberta Law School in 1997, and was called to the Alberta bar in 1998. Since that time she has practiced exclusively in the area of Family Law. In addition to her formal law school training, Krista is a trained mediator, and is trained in collaborative law. She uses her combined skills to assist clients with issues relating to parenting, mobility, child and spousal support, division of family property, and drafting of settlement, cohabitation and prenuptial contracts. In 2022 her skill and contribution to the practice of law in Alberta was recognized by her appointment as Queen’s Counsel (now King’s Counsel or “KC”).

Krista’s priority is a negotiated and respectful settlement for clients, but where that is not possible she has litigated at all levels of the Alberta Courts (Alberta Court of Justice, Court of King’s Bench, and Court of Appeal).

In addition to practicing law, Krista has extensive legal teaching experience, having instructed at the University of Alberta to non-law students, with the Legal Education Society of Alberta (“LESA), Bar Admission and Continuing Professional Legal Education courses, Parenting After Separation, and the Edmonton Community Legal Centre (“ECLC”), as well as having authored papers and presented at various Canadian Bar Association and LESA seminars, workshops and conferences. She is currently a member of the Court of King’s Bench Family Law Consulting Committee. Her interests and accomplishments are diverse. She is a former board member of the Edmonton Ultimate Players’ Association and Nationals Bid Committee, and long-time board member for the University of Alberta Golden Bears and Pandas Tennis Alumni Association.

When not working, Krista likes to dabble in photography, volunteer in her community, pursue interests in sports and music, and spend time with her young family.


Paul Holubitsky - Partner

Paul Holubitsky hails from Edmonton and, after obtaining his law degree at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, he returned to Alberta to practice. Other than a 3 year stint in Fort McMurray, Paul has practiced exclusively in Edmonton, with a primary focus on Family Law. He joined FRS in 2017 and has been a partner since 2018.

Paul brings to the practice of family law a, practical approach, yet he is fearless and knowledgeable where circumstances require litigation. He enjoys all aspects of family law, but has a particular interest in files where there is corporate property or there is a ‘twist’ of some sort. He is a good listener.

Like his colleagues in the firm, Paul believes in giving back to the legal and broader community. He has written papers and presented at legal workshops and seminars, and volunteered in the Bar Admission (now CPLED) advocacy components of the course. He has also been involved in the executive of his community league.

Aside from driving his children to various activities on a daily basis when he is not at work , Paul plays classical guitar.


Oliver Gommerud - Partner

Oliver obtained his Juris Doctor from the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Law in 2015, and was called to the bar in 2016. He joined FRS in 2019 and has been practicing family law exclusively since then.

Oliver represents clients upon relationship breakdown, advising and assisting them in the resolution of all types of parenting disputes, including Practice Note 7 and Practice Note 8 Assessments; spousal and child support disputes; distribution of property and negotiated settlement amounts. His approach to family law reflects his quiet but determined and empathetic character. First and foremost he endeavors to “lower the temperature” of the dispute, and to cultivate practical and creative solutions for his clients and their families. However he recognizes that litigating matters in  court is sometimes necessary, and has represented clients in both the Alberta Court of Justice (formerly the Provincial Court of Alberta) and the Court of King’s Bench.

When not working, Oliver enjoys listening to and playing music, gardening, cycling and pursuing a number of other athletic activities. Above all, though, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three young boys.


Patrizia Garland - Associate

Patrizia Garland graduated from Queen Mary University of London, England in 2018 where she obtained her LLB. Following her return to Alberta she received her Certificate of Accreditation from the Federation of Law Societies of Canada in 2019 and after her articling year was called to the Alberta bar in 2020.

Patrizia joined FRS in 2020 where she practices exclusively in the Family Law area. She is a good listener, a conscientious and skilled advocate committed to working with her clients to find the best process to meet the client’s particular needs and to achieve optimum results.

Patrizia has experience in negotiating settlement of parenting, child and spousal/partner support, and property distribution issues arising from relationship breakdowns and in drafting settlement agreements and orders. Where a consensual resolution cannot be reached, Patrizia advises and represents her clients in Court. She has regularly appeared in both the provincial court (Alberta Court of Justice) and the Court of King’s Bench.

Patrizia is a member of the Law Society of Alberta and the Canadian Bar Association where she is a member of the Family Law North Executive Team.

Outside of the practice of law, Patrizia enjoys speaking Italian, eating Italian food, exercising, and travel.
